Detective Conan is a story about a child's elementary school named Conan Edogawa. He always managed to solve mysteries and crimes through reasoning and logic and with the help of friends and special gadgets. Conan is actually a high school boy named Shinichi Kudo, a young detective Shinichi is a famous and has dropped the head by a man dressed in black. During that half-conscious state, an experimental drug was forced down his throat which are actually intended to kill him. But Jimmy has shrunk to a small child. To prevent people who are doing this to hurt my friends and family, especially to a woman he loves is "Ran", Shinichi changed his name to Conan Edogawa and now lives with his girlfriend, Ran and her father (Detective Moori). But, Ran and His father did not realize that in fact Conan Edogawa is Shinichi Kudo. By: Aoyama Gosho. Baca Manga Komik Detective Conan Chapter Terbaru Bahasa Indonesia Online. Detective Conan Characters: Edogawa Conan, Ran Mori, Kogoro Mori, Haibara Ai, Dr. Agasa, Hattori Heiji, Inspector Megure, Kojima Genta, Kudo Shinichi, Hattori Heiji, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, Yoshida Ayumi. This Blog we dedicated for who are looking fresh manga or komik indo, in this section you can enjoy read manga detective Conan Indo Here. Choose Chapter Manga Detective Conan as you wish:
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